I like building things and watching people use them. To-do list desktop program, grocery list mobile application, smart home alarm embedded system, and the very website you are looking at. Check out my GitHub and see if anything interests you.
Since young, I have always been a big fan of riddles and puzzles. Now, I enjoy learning different algorithms, implementing them on challenges and improving their efficiencies. Check out my rank at HackerRank. Can you beat that?
Life is a continuous form of learning and indeed, I am learning new things everyday. I am a big contributor of Stack Overflow because I believe that the fastest way to learn is to discuss with others.
Expected graduation with Honours(Distinction)
Minor in Technopreneurship
NUS Overseas College - Silicon Valley
Stanford Center for Professional Development
Swift (Udemy)
Machine Learning (Coursera)
Ruby On Rails (Michael Hartl)